The first Rachel Balfour Jewellery film was made with the help of some very talented friends.
The model is the gorgeous Arlette Ess, who has been modelling since the late 90’s when she graced the cover of ID magazine and epitomised the understated cool girl look of that time.
The beautiful and haunting soundtrack is by the incredibly talented Dan Lentaigne.
Dan began her career in music as a singer/songwriter, releasing her first single with Skint Records at the age of 17.
She went on to work in music production at the famous Metropolis Recording Studios in London, where she worked with some of the best UK producers and artists.
Dan recorded two tracks to go with the film, one with vocals and one without, and I’m still torn over which one I prefer!
Eventually we decided to go with a pure soundscape and no vocals but I’d like to put the second version out there soon.
The film was very kindly shot and edited by Jim Owen, a good friend of mine who I met on the first day of University (a long time ago!).
Jim has a huge amount of experience, writing, directing and shooting films and we were incredibly lucky to have him come along to create such beautiful moving images.